International sculptor Ronald A. Westerhuis selects WEBER Creatives for business development

For the development of world wide business, artist Ronald A. Westerhuis of RAW (Ronald A. Westerhuis) will team up with marketing and communication agency WEBER Creatives. This collaboration stems from a direct approach of WEBER Creatives, constantly looking for potential projects for clients within their global network. The campaign will primarily focus on China, Brazil, Russia and India.

The first step towards world wide business for RAW will be the creation of dedicated commercials for these countries.

About Ronald A. Westerhuis

Ronald A. Westerhuis is a Dutch artist and the creator of international land art sculpture projects and numerous monumental steel sculpture pieces for both public spaces and private collections under the name RAW ( Next to that, he designed series of thrones, lightning and interior art objects mainly made out of stainless steel. Based in Zwolle, Netherlands, Ronald has been commissioned to create sculpture projects such as ‘Pride’ created for Shell headquarters in Amsterdam. His sculpture of the Olympic flame was presented in Athens 2004 and was a contender in the competition for the design of the Olympic flame for the Beijing games in 2008. Westerhuis has exhibited his steel sculptures at global events including the Art Basel Miami (USA) and the Millionaire Fair Moscow (Russia).

About WEBER Creatives

WEBER Creatives is a full service corporate, marketing and communications agency and is also a partner of the European Scholz & Friends Group. The agency has an international team of consultants, project managers, producers and its own studio where art-directors, graphic designers, audio-visual designers, web designers and 3D-video designers collaborate.
Nothing seems to be in the way of a successful cooperation between the Dutch creative agency from Groningen and the artist Ronald A. Westerhuis. It is not without a reason that the slogan of WEBER Creatives is “Nil Volentibus Arduum”, in other words: Nothing is impossible for those who want.

For editors, not for publication.

For more information about Weber Creatives, please contact Gilbert Weber or Robin Verlangen.

WEBER Creatives
Bornholmstraat 82
9723 AZ Groningen
The Netherlands
+31 (0)50 313 9740
Groningen, 18th of March, 2011


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WEBER Creatives
Stavangerweg 23 / 9
9723 JC Groningen

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